Thursday, December 8, 2011

September 2-6th 2011

Venice and Pisa
Friday morning Michelle and I packed up the car and the boys and headed to Italy. About a 9 hour drive. We passed through Austria and the Alps. The alps were beautiful, i'm guessing we drove through them for 100 miles. They were huge and lasted forever. Reminded me of Heidi. Got into Venzenia around 4:45 and got settled in the hotel. We drove around the town for a while and then had dinner in the hotel. Pizza and vino. My first Italian pizza and wine. It was delicious and the restaurant was nice.
Saturday morning we all woke up and got breakfast at the hotel. Good food and coffee. Then we drove to the train station and took a train to Venice. It was an hour train ride and it was about 89f outside with no AC on the train and limited windows. It was hot.
We arrived and turned right and walked through the city. It was beautiful. So much to see. I loved it. We saw Marco Polo's house. I didn't realize until i saw that that he was a real person. We had lunch at a little pizza place on the water and kept walking. There were so many beautiful allies and bridges. The boats were amazing. we took a gondola ride around. It was scary for me because i had my camera, which is just like carrying an infant around everywhere. Other than that it was gorgeous. The great canal had much bigger boats. We had dinner at the hard rock. After that we walked passed all the high end shops. We took a ferry back to the train station. The ride back was much better because it was not as hot. We were all exhausted. When we got back to the hotel it was about 9pm and the kids were getting ready for bed. I took my ipad downstairs to use the internet and sat in the restaurant and had some dessert and 1/2 liter of vino.
Sunday morning we woke up, had breakfast and loaded up to leave. Stopped in Florence to eat. When we were on the way back to the car it started pouring and we got lost. Then We drove 3 hours to Pisa. It started pouring while we were there. Looked like a tornado. We ran to the car. Then we checked in at Camp Darby and drove to the coast. The beach was closed but we had dinner at an awesome place on the water. They had my favorite pizza and wine of the trip. Collected some rocks from the coast after dinner. Wonderful trip.

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