Thursday, December 8, 2011

i'm moving to Germany.

I’m moving to Germany. I have a combination of feelings on this. A combination of terror, uncertainty and excitement. After some thought i came to the conclusion that all of the best decisions in life are made with this feeling. And most of those decisions are made quickly. For me, this time, the decision was instantaneous.
I do not yet hold all of the information, but here is what i know:
  • I will be leaving late summer, i do not have the exact date yet.
  • I will be in Vilseck, Germany
  • I don’t know what i’m doing about school. still working on that.
  • I do not know how long i will be there. I do know that it will probably be longer than a year. 
  • I will be nannying for the family i have been with since 2008 and i will spend every day with the three most beautiful boys i know.
I can not begin to imagine what the next few years hold for me, and i can not wait to begin the adventure. I am extremely thankful for my friends and family who selflessly support not only this decision but all of my decisions.

------ originally posted 5/26/11

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