Saturday, December 10, 2011


November 20th 2011
Flight went well. Easy even. I arrived at my hostel by air coach just in time for check in and got settled and changed before heading out. I walked around and decided to try to find o’connell st. where I saw a movie theater on my way in. I got there just in time to see a 4:20 showing of Breaking Dawn. I was so excited. I couldn’t see that in Germany because they don’t have many English theaters. It was wonderful. The movie ended around 6:30 and I went to find somewhere to eat. I didn’t see any food places. Just pubs. So I went to a pub. A super nice old man bartender gave me my first big girl Guinness. I loved it. Then I went to another pub close by. I went to the bar to order another beer and this guy started rapping in my ear. So I moved over to a group of people and started talking to them so he would leave me alone. We stayed at the pub for hours having beer and music. One dude was from Kenya and a few others from Scandinavia and some irish. We had tons of fun and went to a club from there. We danced. i took a cab back to the hostel. Good day.

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