Thursday, December 8, 2011

August 8th 2011

Currently, i am aboard my flight to Canada. My first flight in my 20+ hour journey to Frankfurt. It's happening. The last week has been a shower of love on me from all the ones who love me the most. Last night dad's family came over to say goodbye. Kelvin is 17, Levi is 13 and Nathaniel is 6 months. I wrote everyone goodbye letters to tell them how i love them. Aunt Tiana gave me a precious picture of Nathaniel. This morning Jeremy and I had breakfast with Mary and Nola. Mary gave me an awesome frame with all my favorite pictures of me, her and Nola. Mom, dad and Jeremy dropped me off at the airport. We arrived 4 hours early at my urging and were told i couldn't check in until 2 hours before departure. So we went back later. Mom wrote me a sweet letter and didn't hardly cry at goodbye. I should be sleeping. But i'm worried about my connecting flights and customs in Canada and Iceland. The boys are probably about to go to sleep right now and will have a whole night's sleep before they come pick me up. Long journey i'm on. Ready for this part to be over so i can go have some fun and remember there is a good reason i just said goodbye to all the people that love me the most.

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