Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sweden and Denmark

Sweden and Denmark
Wednesday November 9th 2011
The Letchers and I took trains to Kiel, Germany to get on an overnight cruise ship across the Baltic Sea to Sweden. Trevor fell asleep on my chest on one of the trains. We had a buffet dinner on the sip. it was very good and the ship was really really nice. Trevor and I shared a room and he slept extremely well without his pack and play. 
Thursday November 10th 2011
Woke up at 7:00 to get ready. The boat docket at 9:00 and Trevor woke up around 8:00. We had breakfast on the ship and packed up to leave. A dude from volvo picked us up after we got off the ship and took us to the volvo factory to get Ken's new SUV. We had lunch there and then started driving. We stopped in Gothenburg and at some small town on the coast. We got out of the car and walked on the rocks and took pictures. Then got back in the car to drive to Copenhagen. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Copenhagen and stayed in a very nice hotel. Trevor and I shared a room with a king sized bed. 
Friday November 11th 20ll
had breakfast at the hotel and packed up to go. Stopped in the airport to get starbucks. Then we drove to see the mermaid statue by the water. And kept driving... We stopped in Hamburg, Germany to eat at hard rock. left there and went to starbucks. We drove from there all the way back home. It was a lot of driving. 
i will definitely have to go back.

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