Saturday, December 10, 2011


November 21st 2011
Woke up feeling rough from the night before. Managed to get dressed and have breakfast. I spent some time trying to figure out the Dublin bus system with no luck. So I bought a ticket for a hop on hop off tour bus thing. Which actually ended up being really helpful. I went to Guinness which I loved. The gravity sky bar was amazing. You can see like all of Dublin from it. I didn’t get a lot done today because I spent so much time being hung over.
Went to sleep early so I wouldn’t have the same problem again.
When I got to the hostel I met a girl named Jackie. Shes from Canada. She convinced me to go with her to some pubs. We went to temple bar. It was precious.

November 22nd 2011

Woke up early and had breakfast in the hostel then me and my new Canadian friend Jackie got on the hop on hop off bus. First we tried to go to Dublin castle. But it was closed. So went to kilmainham gaol which was awesome and very informative. I learned a ton about Ireland and was actually interested in it. From there we went to jameson. Which was super cool. The tour was great and at the end they asked for voulenteers to taste different whiskeys so of course I voulenteered. I tried a scotch, an American whiskey and jameson agenst each other. I got a certificate thing. Its so cool. Im going to frame it.

After that we walked around trinity college and decided not to see the book of kells because it was 9 euros. After that we grabbed some pizza and walked around some more. Went across an awesome bridge with tons of swans.
I went back to the hostel pretty early because I had to wake up really early for my cliffs of mohr tour the next day and my feet hurt.

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