Saturday, December 10, 2011



November 25th 2011
Woke up around 5 am to catch my Giant’s Causeway tour bus. We drove along the coast on what is apparently one of the best coastal drives in the world. It was lovely. I had no idea that northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland were different. But they are totally separated and northern Ireland belongs to the UK. When king hentry the 8th invented the protestant religion the north sided with England and the south decided to stay catholic despite much turmoil. It is still bad between the two religions there. Especially in Belfast. Our first stop on the tour was the carrick a rede rope bridge. This tiny, terrifying rope bridge in the middle of nowhere. They closed the bridge due to wind and hail right after I crossed. Then I had to walk about 15 minutes to the bus in the hail and wind. It hurt so bad. I thought I was bleeding. This guy I met on the bus named jim helped me. After the rope bridge we went to the Giant’s Causeway. We had lunch there. Not as good as the seafood chowder in doolin. I walked with jim to the giants causeway. It was amazing. I was freezing considering that my clothes were totally soaked from the hail. And the wind was harsh. But the causeway was incredible. We left there and went by dunluce castle which is apparently the inspiration for c.s lewis’s chronicals of Narnia castle. Then we went into Belfast for about an hour. Walked around a Christmas market and to the river where the titanic was built. Then we headed back. I got in around 8:30 and went right to sleep. I figured I would go out the next night. But forgot that I had to be at the airport at 5 am for my flight.

November 26th 2011

Woke up around 9 and got breakfast. Walked around shopping and trying to find h&m for a long time. Went back to the hostel for lunch and went back out to h& m and got some sweaters. I went to the hostel and got ready to go out. I went to a little pub and had some drinks with a sweet older couple.  Then decided to go to jim’s comedy night thing at the banker’s pub. It was pretty funny. After that I got some food with jim and started walking back. On my way in I saw a cool bar and noticed it was 1:30 and I had to wake up at 3 so I might as well stay out. So I did. I went back to the hostel and packed at 3 and headed to the airport. And made it back home!

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