Saturday, December 10, 2011


October 22nd-23rd 2011
I had been talking with a childhood friend of mine, Elizabeth Kays for a while about meeting up in Munich. It all worked out for this weekend and we planned our trips to meet up. She was staying in a lab that her job provided and offered me a place to stay with her. I arrived at the train station around 11:40 and she was waiting for me. We walked from there to the main square where we went to a market where i got some christmas presents and a bottle of federweisser - fresh wine which has holes in the cap and no cork. i of course did not know this and looked like an idiot while tipping the bottle over and wondering aloud why it was leaking. A friendly German lady informed me that this is normal. From there we went to the  U bahn to catch a train from there to Dachau concentration camp. I wanted to go again since i didn't get to sepend as much time as i wanted there with the kids. It was a long walk and my gps failed us a few times but the walk was lovely with with all the leaves changing color. We finally arrived and spent about an hour wandering through the museum. It was very interesting. We left there and found a bus back to the U-bahn where we got a train to the main square where the glockenspiel is. We tried going to the hofbrauhaus but it was Saturday night and crowded so we went to a quiet cafe and had pizza. After dinner we went to the glockenspiel for it's 9:00 night show which was extremely uneventful. We went back to the lab after that for some sleep. The next morning we woke up and got ready and went to St. Peter's church for mass which was interesting because it was in German and i'm not at all catholic. It was a beautiful church though. Then we went to the Jewish history museum and had lunch there. We tried going to the bier and oktoberfest museum after that but it was closed so we decided to try the hofbrauhaus again and shared a liter and some pretzels. From there we went to the train station and i departed for home. Wonderful trip!

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