Friday, December 9, 2011

October 7th-9th

Friday October 7th the  Letchers drove me to the train station in widen to catch my train to Berlin. My train was leaving at 9:10. It was about a 6 hour trip with one transfer in Nurnberg. I arrived in berlin around 3 and shopped around for a while at alexanderplatz while waiting for steven’s train to arrive at 9:30 from Austria. I got a bunch of pieces of the berlin to use as Christmas presents. I got myself a sweatshirt and starbucks mug. I got one for the letchers too. I met steven in the train station when his train arrived. Then we began to navigate to our hostel using my iphone. We ended up terribly lost and had to get a cab because we had to check in by 11:30. While we were walking someone was setting off fireworks and we were sure someone got shot. We finally made it to the hostel boat and the girl at the front desk was very nice and helpful. we got settled in our room and got ready to go out. No one else was in our room. We went to the lounge on the boat for a beer before going out. The bartender told us to go to suicide circus club. It was freezing out and we were walking around trying to find this place so we stopped at the first bar we saw to warm up. We quickly discovered it was a Spanish gay bar. Probably my favorite part of the trip. When we left there we found the club. All the clubs in berlin are very hidden and in the sketchiest areas. We did a bunch of shots and made friends with a professor and her husband. We left and started to travel back to the hostel around 5 am. We took a train at some point. We slept and I woke up at 10 to get ready and got breakfast. Then woke steven up. We walked along the berlin wall first. It was right in front of our hostel (the longest surviving stretch) we walked along the main street with all the sights leading to the Brandenburg gate. After we got there we sat in a café for a while to warm up and map out where to go next. Then we navigated to the holocaust memorial. Its just these super tall cement blocks. From there we started the long walk back to our hostel. We were getting close to alexanderplatz where the train station is when it started to get really dark and terrible outside. The sky was very very dark and it was freezing and windy. We knew it was about to rain. There was a beautiful dark church that we were walking past and it looked so cool with the black sky behind it. There were crows everywhere. Like a ton of crows. It started pouring so we ran into a covered place and got dinner. We ate then kept walking (it had stopped raining). We finally made it back and were exhausted. We took naps and got ready to go out again. We asked the bartender on the boat where to go again and found the places a little easier. I think we went to three different clubs. Between two of them we went to a doner kabob place that was delicious. The last club we went to was very cool. I love the way they dance here. But berlin kicked my butt that day and I took a cab back before steven and went to sleep. We woke up the next day and packed up and walked to alexanderplatz. My body hurt so bad from all the walking. Steven left before I did and I hung out at starbucks until it was time for my train. 

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