Thursday, October 4, 2012

Adventure is out there.

"The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea."
Karen von Blixen-Finecke

I've had an itch to go to the beach since... well, since I got back from the beach a few months ago. I'm departing today to go to Cinque Terre, Italy and hike through the 5 villages. I am all packed and ready. I'm just waiting until it's time to go. As i was just sitting on my bedroom floor smiling at my packed traveler's backpack like a child on christmas morning waiting to rip open the first present, it occurred to me that this may be one of my favorite parts of travel. The few hours before it begins when I'm packed and ready to go. When I know where I'm going but I'm not sure what adventures await me. Anything could happen. This could be the most incredible trip of my life. I could meet new friends, share stories from the road, bond over a shared intoxication with new places and things, have all the pasta, tiramisu, and wine i want and still lose weight.  Or I could fall off a cliff, get food poisoning, sit next to a 400lb european man that hasn't showered in 3 weeks for 9 hours on a train. Its all up in the air and that's a beautiful thing. 

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