Saturday, January 14, 2012


January 1st Zurich
We arrived in Zurich and began trying to find our hostel. At this point we were not sure what language they spoke in Switzerland. We thought maybe it was English after going through the airport and seeing everything in English but turns out it was German. I got a little excited at that because it was a little familiar to me. We had a hard time finding the hostel. We walked about a mile in the wrong direction. We were exhausted. And my suitcase lost a wheel so Jeremy was carrying it. This is the second suitcase that lost a wheel on this trip. The cobblestones just destroy them. We finally found it, checked in and used the internet. We finally got in bed absolutely exhausted from our past few days of travel. We were in a 4 bed dorm and some older lady in our room was snoring so loudly neither of us could sleep. Around 12 I leaned down to Jeremy who was on the bunk under me where the Tylenol pm was and he took me to get it from his bag and we stood there for a while laughing uncontrollably at this woman’s unusual snores. We finally got some sleep thanks to Tylenol pm. I planned on waking up around 9 so I could get some breakfast but didn’t end up waking up until 11:30. I slept so well.

January 2nd 2012
We woke up around 11:30 and got ready to explore Zurich. We had no plan. We set out around 3 after a few set backs. We went to the main train station and walked around the streets near by. We went into countless stores looking at watches. Mom had sent us an email asking us to get dad a watch. But she did not say what kind of watch or how much money to spend. Jeremy ended up getting himself a watch and watches for a few friends. I wanted to get one but I was low on money and I had to spend over $100 on a backpack to replace my suitcase that broke. After shopping we walked to the river and looked at all the buildings. I didn’t have my SLR because it had been raining heavily when we left the hostel so I did not get many good pictures. We went back to the hostel early to make a game plan for the next day.

January 3rd 2012
We went to the train station and bought tickets to Luzern. It was a little expensive. It was about an hour train ride. The scenery on the way was beautiful. We got to Luzern around 10 and it was just gorgeous. The alps were so close and there was a precious lake right at the base with swans everywhere and a cool old bridge. We walked around looking at the few sights in the tiny little town. We had gotten an email from mom specifying more of what kind of watch she wanted us to get for dad so we looked around trying to find one but decided to get one back in Zurich because the prices and selection were better. We found the old city wall and walked along it. It was awesome. We left Luzern (sadly) around 2:30 to head back to Zurich. When we got there we bought mom and dad each a tissot watch. We went back to the hostel early because our flight to Venice the next morning was at 6:45 which meant we had to be at the airport a little before 5. 

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