Saturday, January 14, 2012


December 28th 2011
Woke up around 9 and went straight to the sagrada la familia by metro. It was amazing. So ornate and HUGE. Such detail. Just amazing. We marveled at it for a bit and decided to come back to it later because the line to get in was quite long. We went from there to park Guell which was quite a hike. It was also a Gaudi work and was amazing as well. We walked to the top and took pictures then walked to the buildings at the bottom. I fell in love with Gaudi’s work. From there we went to one of Gaudi’s casa buildings then back to the segrada familia. We waited in line for 30 minutes or so and bought audio guides and tickets. I am glad we did the audio guide. We learned so much about the building and Gaudi. It was incredible how he did it, so precise and purposeful. We walked through for a long while and then explored the museum. After we were finished we went across the street and sat on a park bench to watch the sun set behind the segrada familia. It was beautiful. From there we took the metro to the water to find somewhere to eat. Our feet were so tired from all the walking that we settled for a place that was too expensive and decent. I had my first sangria. It was lovely. We went back to our hostel and changed to go out for dinks. We could only find irish pubs. First I had a jameson. It was serious. Then I switched to sangrias. We talked for a bit before going back to the hostel for sleeps.

December 29th 2011
We woke up and packed and checked out and then headed out for Gaudi’s casa ballo it was awesome. His architecture is just fascinating. Then we went to the Picasso museum. From there we decided to go to the water again. We walked along the water on the beach collecting shells for a while. There was no one out there it was bizarre. We sat on a pier and watched the sun go down. It was gorgeous. We had a wonderful time. From there we went to a few souvenir shops and got a few things. Then we went back to the hostel to get our things ready to go. We went to the train station early to board our 8pm overnight train to Paris!

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