Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas in Germany is pure magic on it’s own. Combine that with my brother arriving into Germany from Georgia on Christmas morning- and it is just perfect. For weeks, I have been planning and waiting for my brother to arrive and for Christmas. Like it does eventually every year, Christmas finally arrived. Christmas Eve Paul drove me to Frankfurt- about 3.5 hours from where we live- I can almost hear the collective “wow, nice job Paul” from my family reading this. We had a fun drive and arrived in to Weisbaden on Christmas eve so we wouldn’t have to make the 3.5 hour drive to pick Jeremy up from his 7:45AM arrival time flight Christmas morning.
All went smoothly and we picked Jeremy up at the airport and headed back to Graff. Jeremy slept the whole 3.5 hour drive as he got no sleep on the plane. We got back around 2 and I began preparing Christmas dinner. My good friend Britny and I planned Christmas dinner together for Jeremy, Paul, her husband Michael and I. We split up the cooking so neither of us had too much to handle. We made a Christmas dinner that would make any momma proud. It wasn’t a traditional Christmas, but for a Christmas away from family, it was more than perfect. We’ve made a little family of friends here and I am so thankful for that. Jeremy managed to stay awake for dinner and festivities and I enjoyed bringing him into my world here. 

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