Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Saturday ride.

Winter in Bavaria generally begins in early October so I am trying to squeeze in as much time on my bike outside as possible before it's too cold! I know of a few routes here that I generally use but I wanted to do something different today so i went in the opposite direction I normally go in. Normally, I go from Netzaberg toward Eschenbach and Speinshart. Today I went toward Graffenwohr and Pressath. It was a bit cold but nice enough. The trees are all turning and it smelled like fall. The trail was awesome, mom would have loved it. It was generally flat and gorgeous. The Germans are very good about having bike paths in place as alternatives to driving. I went all the way to Pressath and back. It was about 18.5 miles round trip and I really enjoyed it! I think i'll do it again!

Oktoberfest 2012

The best way i could describe Oktoberfest to my dad was "its like the fair but with costumes and beer. lots of beer." That pretty much sums it up. Rides, food, games, beer, lederhosen and dirndl! This year I went with my friends Britny and Michael! it was fun! I got a new dirndl for the occasion :) I didn't take my good camera for fear of its safety so i apologize for the quality of the photos! enjoy! PROST!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rothenburg and Nurnberg

My biggest challenge living here in Europe the past year has probably been loneliness. I have a great community here and I have met a lot of really incredible people and families that I genuinely cherish, however there is not anyone around here in a similar situation to me. While I do have a lot in common with the housewives around here and love their company, I don't actually have kids and i'm single so on weekends when my mom friends are out with their families i'm generally traveling alone- which isn't something I can complain about, I do still love it. Occasionally though I do really miss having friends in  my similar circumstances. I have a suspicion that my family at home was doing some serious praying on my behalf to be sent a friend- because while I was away this summer my new best friends Britny and Michael moved in down the street. They are close to my age and Britny is a nanny too. We have quickly become best friends and I am so, so thankful for them and all the fun we have.
This Saturday Britny and I went out on a girls day to do some shopping for oktoberfest next weekend! she needed to get her and Michael dirndl and lederhosen so we went to Rothenburg for a little sight seeing then to Nurnberg for shopping! I have been both places at least once before, but I love them both so much and it was almost like showing a friend around my hometown. I love Rothenburg's homey feel even though it is over run with large tour groups of old people and asians. Its just the cutest little town. Thanks Britny for the lovely day!