Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Munich, Salzburg, and Garmisch.

August 18th-20th 2012
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." 
In the days leading up to August 17th I saw as much friends and family as I could and said my goodbyes. I was, of course, heartbroken to be leaving again after a wonderful summer with the ones I love the most - but I was also excited to get back to my second home in Germany. It is a catch 22 really. When I am in GA my heart hurts for Germany, and when I am in Germany my heart hurts for GA. This is standard procedure, I hear, when one has two homes. Last August when I made the trek from Georgia to Germany for the first time it was a tearful goodbye. This year, I was just happy. Happy to have been in Georgia and happy to be returning to Germany. I am thankful for my time at home with my incredible family and family of friends and I am confident in enjoying my years away knowing that when I return I will still have a strong home spot with a huge support group of amazing people who shower me in love. I said goodbye with a smile not because I am happy to be leaving, but because I am happy to have been with you all. 

August 18th 2012
I arrived in Munich from ATL Early in the morning. I didn't get much sleep at all on the plane- I do not understand how people expect you to rest in such an uncomfortable and cramped position - but anyway, I got into Munich and spent the day walking around the market and doing some shopping for a new dirndl. I went to bed quite early and woke up in the middle of the night wide awake. Jet lag - yay! 

August 19th I woke up early and went to the hoptbahnhof to catch a train to Salzburg, Austria. It was just about a two hour train ride. I only took a backpack with some clothes for the night and carried it with me throughout the day. When i first arrived I saw the beautiful castle up on a huge hill and started walking towards it. It's 11 euro to ride the tram up the hill or you can walk it. Of course I walked up the mountain in 89 degree weather with a backpack and flip flops to avoid spending money. The view from the top was incredible though. After that I walked around the town some more. Salzburg is beautiful! I loved it. The next day I dropped by Garmisch. I think I did Garmisch wrong. Everything was kind of closed. I will have to go back during the winter or something maybe. The alps were gorgeous though. 

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