Sunday, June 10, 2012


Things have been quite busy around my house lately. The mother of the boy's I nanny deployed to Afghanistan last week and we are working on finding a new "normal". The family decided that this summer since the mom will be deployed and the dad will have a lot of out of town business that the boy's and I should go back to the states to spend the summer with their grandparents. This is awesome for me because the boy's grandparents are my parent's next door neighbors. So after 10 months living away 2,021 miles away from my friends and family I will be home for two whole months. 
I have so many wonderful plans for my time home and from what I hear my friends have some awesome plans for me as well. I have not had the boy's in GA with me since 2009 and I am excited about sharing my favorite places with them. I made this blog to chronicle my euro-adventures but I suppose I will continue blogging through the summer about my adventures at home. We fly to GA in 4 days. I've been packed for about a week. There are signs that this could possibly be the best summer ever.


  1. oh. my. goodness. I better be able to see you while you are home and I happen to be back in GA as well ;)
