Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas markets!

Last weekend, December 1st-2nd, my friends and I had a double date christmas market weekend! Christmas markets are a huge deal here in Germany and last the whole month of December. They have stalls offering hand made ornaments and things like that, awesome food, and gluhwein- which is "mulled wine" or hot wine - and its fantastic, and helps keep you warm! we went to Nurnberg christmas market on Saturday the 1st. It is the biggest in Germany and the most famous in the world, so it had to be done, but it was not a favorite. It was lovely, but extremely over-crowded. We couldn't see any of the stalls or enjoy any of it because the whole market was essentially a mosh pit of asians and over weight tourists. It was a nice day and i'm glad I checked it off the list but I wouldn't go back. 

The next day, Sunday, we decided to go to Guteneck christmas market - which I have heard wonderful things about from friends here. It was about an hour away from where we live and the drive was beautiful with all the snow on the trees- its a winter wonderland over here! This christmas market is mideval themed and at the base of a castle. Many people were dressed in Mideval attire, and It was not crowded at all. It was the best day ever. I want to live there. As you will see in these photos- we had way too much fun. The boys rode camels!

Back to Budapest.

Budapest. I have been avoiding writing this because of the enormity of the topic. Budapest is the softest place in my heart. In the summers of 2006 and 2007 I spent weeks there teaching children's english camps and I was changed in every way. I met people who became a part of who I am, and learned who I am and who I want to be. Those two summers began the adventure I am continuing now. It is difficult to put into words what happened those summers, but I know I was deeply changed, I became something new. 
During my first trip to Budapest in 2006 I met a beautiful girl named Edina. We quickly became close friends and shared a few weeks of incredible healing and restoration that created a strong bond. Saying goodbye to her at the end was tearful and heartbreaking. The next summer was just as wonderful and even more difficult to say goodbye. 
In the years since, I have thought of Budapest, my time there, and Edina so very often. The memories are ingrained in my heart and I am who I am now because of these trips. When I was given the opportunity to live in Germany, the first thing I did after I immediately said yes was google maps how far to Budapest from Germany. It took me longer to get there than I expected, but I made it back. 
Over thanksgiving I took a train from Nurnberg-Budapest. The train ride was long but not too bad. I arrived into Budapest to Edina and her new husband Andras singing and playing the guitar for me, and my heart was home. Over the three days I got to spend there I became re-aquatinted with the city and spent some precious time with my sweet friend catching up on the past 6 years of our lives -including her marriage to Andras- who gets the thumbs up from me. I got to watch Edina and Andras lead worship at their baptist youth group church on the Saturday night before I returned "home" to Germany. The trip was refreshing and awakening for me, and there were no tearful goodbyes this time around because I will be back in Budapest in a month with my brother over Christmas! 

A few of the girls in the group with Edina- Budapest 2006 

Edina and I 2007 (top) then 2012 (bottom)


Can't wait to be back in just a few weeks!